Our hands can feel really dry after all hand washing and/or use of alcohol based sanitisers.  Karuna Essentials rises to the task to bring you a natural, divinely fragranced  balm to nurture, soothe and moisturise.

Containing a proprietary essential oil blend of lavender, rosemary, pine, thyme and eucalyptus, this balm will refresh and enliven the senses.

Not only that. the essential oils in this Woodland Blend Calendula Balm provide you with extra reassurance as they all have renowned anti-viral properties.

Use Karuna Essentials Special CVD Calendula Balm on your hands at the end of the day, or several times during the day.

It can be rubbed onto the soles of the feet and to the chest for respiratory conditions.

Ingredients: Karuna Essentials Calendula infused oil, beeswax, Vitamin E, proprietary essential oil blend of lavender, rosemary, pine, thyme and eucalyptus.

Smells of nature, smells divine!